New Site - Plus Gatsby JS

So, you might be noticing that this site is looking pretty swanky right about now. Just kidding, no one reads this ಠ_ಠ. Nevertheless, the…

Common .htaccess Redirects

Some common .htaccess file redirect. Helpful for redirecting to/from www. and forcing SSL.

Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

So, I found a pretty damn good YouTube channel. They're called Kurzgesagt, or simply 'In A Nutshell', if you can't be bothered trying to…

WordPressSQL - A URL Migration Tool

Introducing to the world, my very basic macOS app: WordPressSQL, A super simple utility for helping out with migrating a WordPress site…

Electron by GitHub

I saw the other day that  Github's Electron had made it to v1.0 - I was seriously surprised I hadn't heard about Electron already, seeing…

Infinitely Looping Posts in WordPress

I made a couple of little PHP functions to help me out with a silly pagination wall that I frequently hit when building WordPress sites…

Animated Hamburger

Normally, when creating hamburger menus for websites I'm building, I get lazy and simply use the font awesome bars icon. I finally decided…